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Van Alstyne Eye Care Blog

Learn more about optometry care in our blog!

Understanding iFusion Retinal Imaging and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

Do you wonder how eye care professionals get such detailed insights into the health of your eyes? Well, wonder no more. Today, remarkable technologies are revolutionizing eye care.

Hyperopia Symptoms and Diagnosis: How to Tell If You Have Farsightedness

Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is when you can see things far away, but those that are closer appear blurry. Almost 14.2 million Americans aged 40 and up are farsighted, which makes up 8.4% of the population.

The Pros and Cons of Wearing Contact Lenses: Are They the Right Choice for You

If your vision is not 20/20 and you need corrective lenses to see better, one of your choices is contacts. Most people wear glasses, but contact lenses are popular for several reasons, including aesthetics.

How to Choose the Right Sunglasses for Your Eyes

A day with the sun out can be uplifting, but the sun’s rays can also be dangerous. Remember to wear your sunglasses when you walk about in the sun. Ultraviolet rays can cause eye damage like macular degeneration and cataracts. The only way to prevent them is to wear the right sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Understanding Color Blindness and Treatment Options

Color blindness or color deficiency means you have trouble seeing or telling the difference between specific colors. There is no cure for the condition. However, there are ways you can maneuver around it. 

The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment for Glaucoma

The American Glaucoma Society always stresses the importance of detecting and treating glaucoma early.

At What Age Should a Child Have a Vision Test?

Getting your child off to a good start is every parent's wish and intention. A good start incorporates their health, including their eye health. A big part of your child's eye health is ensuring they have an eye exam as early as possible. According to experts, children should have their first eye exam when they are six months old. Other exams must follow as your child develops their visual faculties.

Benefits of Using UV-blocking Contact Lenses

Like your skin, your eyes also need protection from the sun's harmful rays. The eyes are much more sensitive to these rays than your skin, so they need better security. UV-blocking contacts are ideal for people who spend most of their days outdoors. 

How to Prevent Dry Eye During the Fall

As the weather gets windier and colder, the amount of moisture in the air drops. As a result, your eyes may dry out more often. If your eyes are susceptible to dryness, cold, dry wind may irritate them even more.

What Are the Main Causes of Dry Eyes?

Dry eye is a condition that occurs when tears fail to provide adequate lubrication for the eyes. The tear instability may be due to the eyes failing to produce enough or poor-quality tears. Inadequate tears lead to inflammation and ocular surface damage, and the condition usually affects both eyes. 

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