How to Prevent Dry Eye During the Fall

How to Prevent Dry Eye During the Fall

How to Prevent Dry Eye During the Fall

How to Prevent Dry Eye During the Fall

As the weather gets windier and colder, the amount of moisture in the air drops. As a result, your eyes may dry out more often. If your eyes are susceptible to dryness, cold, dry wind may irritate them even more.


Dry eye happens when the eyes cannot make enough tears or they make poor-quality tears. It can make it difficult to carry out your routine tasks, negatively affecting your life’s quality. Your eyes may feel itchy, red, gritty, sore, and sensitive to light. Your vision may also become blurry and your eyes more watery than usual.


Dry eye during the fall is common but usually resolves with self-care and home treatments. Sometimes, dry eyes may need medical treatment. So, how can you prevent dry eye during the fall?



Use Indoor Air Humidifiers



Lack of moisture in the indoor air can make your eyes dry. A humidifier can help increase the humidity inside your home and prevent dry eye. If you already have a humidifier, ensure that you clean it properly and frequently. That will help avoid a buildup of dust and bacteria, as they can irritate your eyes.


If you do not have a humidifier, eye doctors suggest putting an oven-safe pan or bowl of water close to a radiator or heater. The vaporizing water will help increase moisture in the air.



Turn Away Heat From Your Eyes



Hair dryers, heaters, and air conditioners can increase the odds of your eyes drying out. The air from these appliances can cause dry eye if it flows in the direction of your eyes. Make sure to turn away the heat or air from your eyes when using the appliances.



Reduce Screen Time



Spending too much time on your phone or computer causes you to blink less often than usual. Blinking less than required can dry out and irritate your eyes. Taking frequent breaks from the screen can help moisturize and rest your eyes. Try out the 20-20-20 rule by taking a 20-second break for every 20 minutes you spend on your screen to look at something 20 feet away.



Blink Often



Blinking helps spread tears across your eyes. The coat of tears helps sharpen your eyesight, making you see better. The tears also nourish your eyes with nutrients and oxygen and keep them healthy. However, many people blink less often than is necessary for cleaning and moisturizing the eyes.



Wear Protective Eyewear



Wearing protective goggles or wraparound glasses can help shield your eyes against wind, debris, and other elements that come with cold, windy weather.



Avoid or Reduce Smoking



You may consider avoiding smoking or being around people who use cigarettes. The cigarette smoke can irritate your eyes and cause them to become dry.



Eat Healthy Oils and Stay Hydrated



Your eyes are covered with fluid that safeguards the eye by washing away dirt and debris each time you blink. Maintain a healthy fluid balance in your eyes by drinking lots of water and eating healthy oils, such as omega-3 fatty acids.



See Your Eye Doctor



Contact your eye doctor if home remedies for preventing dry eyes are not working. The doctor will do an eye exam to determine the underlying cause and prescribe medications to soothe dry eyes.


For more on preventing dry eye during the fall, visit Van Alstyne Eye Care at our office in Van Alstyne, Texas. Call (903) 482-0090 to book an appointment today.

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