Dry Eye and Digital Eye Strain: Addressing the Impact of Screen Time

Dry Eye and Digital Eye Strain: Addressing the Impact of Screen Time

Dry Eye and Digital Eye Strain: Addressing the Impact of Screen Time

Dry Eye and Digital Eye Strain: Addressing the Impact of Screen Time

Whether for work, entertainment, or socializing, digital devices have become loyal companions. However, excessive screen use comes at a cost, as many people experience dry eye and digital eye strain. Explore this common modern problem and discover some tips to keep your eyes comfortable and healthy.

Dry Eye

Dry eye is when you lack adequate tears, or they dry up too fast. Staring at screens for extended periods can exacerbate this condition, as you tend to blink less frequently. Consequently, your eyes become dry, red, and irritated, leading to discomfort.

Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome, is a collection of symptoms caused by prolonged screen usage. These include eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and neck and shoulder pain. Digital eye strain can even cause difficulty concentrating.

The Cause: Blue Light

Blue light is a high-energy light emitted by screens. It affects sleep patterns and can contribute to digital eye strain. Fortunately, some devices offer blue light filters that can alleviate the strain on your eyes.

Tips to Reduce Dry Eye and Digital Eye Strain


·      The 20-20-20 Rule

This is a simple but effective way to reduce eye strain from screen time. The rule states that you should take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes. This will help relax your eye muscles and reduce the amount of strain they are under.

·      Blink More, Blink Often

It might sound silly, but consciously blinking more can work wonders for your eyes. Blinking helps spread moisture across your eyeballs, preventing them from drying out.

·      Adjust Your Screen

You should adjust the screen settings to make it comfortable for you to use. Avoid glare by positioning the screen away from direct light sources and keeping it at eye level to reduce neck strain.

·      Create an Eye-Friendly Workspace

Make our workspace a haven for our eyes. Position your monitor at arm’s length, ensuring the top is at or slightly below eye level. Invest in an ergonomic chair and adjust the seat height to maintain good posture.

·      Artificial Tears to the Rescue

If your eyes still feel parched, use artificial tears to lubricate them. OTC eye drops can instantly relieve dryness and moisturize your eyes all day.

·      Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Blue light can play havoc with your sleep quality, so avoiding screens at least an hour before bedtime is best. Instead, try reading a paper book or practicing relaxation techniques to help you unwind.


In this digital age, screen time is unavoidable, but that does not mean you must suffer the consequences of dry eye and digital eye strain. You can keep your eyes comfortable and healthy by implementing these simple tips and being mindful of your screen habits. So, take care of your eyes and embrace the digital world with a new sense of balance.

For more eye care tips, visit Van Alstyne Eye Care at our Van Alstyne, Texas, office. Call (903) 482-0090 to schedule an appointment today.

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